
The Galactic Center 26-27 Degrees Sagittarius

The Milky Way

The Galactic Center


The Galactic Center is the center of our Milky Way Galaxy which is at 26-27* Sagittarius. Astronomers discuss the center of the Milky Way in scientific terms and there has been a lot of new research coming out since I first wrote this article in 2017. Here are a few:
Could the Black Hole at the Heart of Our Galaxy Actually Be a Wormhole?
How soon will we see the black hole at the Milky Way’s heart
Previously unknown space radio waves coming from the center of the Milky Way galaxy detected by astronomersNASA Image Reveals ‘Cosmic Candy Cane’ at the Center of the Milky Way
Researchers found a unique and unusual radio signal emanating from near the center of our galaxy’s center

Our Milky Way’s central black hole flashes unpredictably

Sparkling Hubble Space Telescope photo shows ancient globular cluster near Milky Way’s heart

Astrologers that are metaphysically inclined point to the Galactic Center as a seat or portal which connects to multi-universes. A powerful place! I first came across the idea from the book Pleiadian Agenda by  Barbara Hand Clow and immediately resonated with the concept. It interested me so much that I began to study it in relationship to the birth charts of my clients and others I knew who had Sun or other major planets at or near 26* Sagittarius. I soon realized these people did stand out from the ordinary, especially when it was their ascendant degree. The folks I studied who have the Galactic Center as their rising sign degree were so original as to be in a category of their own!

One of these days I plan on  writing an in-depth article about the GC but meanwhile, here is an article I’ve had in my files for years about the Galactic Center by Paul O. Hewitt, and I also included  several other links about the G.C at the end of the article. I’d love to hear from any of you who have this degree prominent in your own birth chart.

**Scroll below to see good astrological Galactic Center articles


Galactic Center – photo Chandra Observatory MeerKAT radio telescope



by Paul O. Hewitt

The Center of our Milky Way Galaxy is proving to be a fascinating and practical addition to my clients’ charts. Having studied it for 12 years now, my observations would indicate that it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.

In 1932, Karl Jansky, a Bell Telephone Laboratories engineer, was searching for the source of static affecting overseas telephone lines. To find the source he built the first 95 foot movable radio- telescope to detect it. Part of the static turned out to be created by the center of our Galaxy at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. Astronomers paid little attention to the discovery, but to the astrology of consciousness, this discovery should rank right up there with the discovery of Pluto in 1930.

In the late 1960’s, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. A huge Black Hole is thought to be at the center, about the size of a large star, but containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.

According to “Astrophysical Directions” by Michael and Margaret Erlewine, energy emerges from the GC over 2 entire degrees of longitude near the last degrees of Sagittarius. Perhaps it is even more than that.

Some interesting observations have come to light about the late degrees of Sagittarius. Horary astrologer William Lilly is the source of our observations on the Void-of-Course Moon. He observed that the Moon is not really Void-of-Course in late Sagittarius. Prior to the discovery of the Galactic Center, no astrologer would have known why.

A good measurement of the GC is 26sa10 (26 degrees, 10 minutes of Sagittarius) in 1950. According to standard rates of precession, that would have been 25sa28 in 1900, and will be 26sa52 in the year 2000.

Facts about the Milky Way Galaxy

· Age 13-15 Billion years

· Number of Stars 100 billion

· Diameter 100,000 light years

· Diameter of the central bulge 25,000 light years

· Distance of our sun from the GC 27,000 light years

· Orbital velocity of our Sun around the GC 135 miles per second

· Time for the Sun to orbit around the GC 250 million years

The GC is so active that astrologers could think of it in planetary terms, since that is what astrologers seem most comfortable with. I look at the GC by house position in every chart, and the Sagittarian theme works well. Solar arcs and transits to this spot in every chart bring up travel, educational, spiritual and philosophical themes in client discussions. One of the most

devastating times for a client has been Solar Arc Pluto square the natal GC. A profound crises of faith and belief occurs almost every time.

Another very curious impact of personal planets in aspect to the GC is the “other worldly” psychological impact these aspects seem to create. Some clients with aspects to the GC speak of

not feeling 100 percent human, or not feeling they have had human ancestory. Their inner dynamic is centered around feeling as if they have come to this planet from some other place. They describe thinking like a galactic ambassador, and feeling as if they are here representing

energies, knowledge and civilizations that are extraterrestrial in origin. One client with 26 degrees Sag rising, related nightly dreams in many different alien bodies.

As a career counselor, I am always looking for the most energized planets in a chart. Planets in aspect to the Galactic Center are certainly energized, and can be among the strongest planets in the chart. A search of the Galactic Center is built into my Career Report.

To illustrate planetary aspects with the GC, here are a few example charts, drawn from my files

· Alfred Adler, psychologist and psychiatrist, who in his analysis of individual development, stressed the sense of inferiority rather than sexual drives, as the motivating force in human life. He named this psychological feeling an “inferiority complex”. His Saturn (the planet of inferiority) is 25 Sagittarius, while his Mars is 25 Aquarius.

· Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor of France, born Aug 15th, 1769) with his helio Mars at 23 Virgo, and Sun at 22 Leo. The GC in the late 1700’s was 23 Sagittarius.

· President George H. Bush with conservative Saturn at 25 Libra, Node at 26 Leo, and his Mars at 25 Aquarius.

· Prince Charles of England with his 29 Sagittarius Jupiter (the royal aristocratic planet) conjunct the GC. Mars is at 20 Sagittarius.

· President Bill Clinton, with his Sun at 26 Leo, Jupiter at 23 Libra and Athena (the lawyer, social policy expert) at 27 Sagittarius.

· Hillary Clinton with innovative, break-the-mold Uranus at 25 Gemini, Moon at 29 Pisces, and Juno (wife of) at 29 Sagittarius.

· Princess Diana with Moon at 25 Aquarius, Athena at 25 Pisces, Juno at 26 Pisces, Uranus at 23 Leo and the mean Node at 28 Leo.

· Bob Dylan with Mercury (great lyrics) at 27 Gemini, and Neptune at 24 Virgo.

· Queen Elizabeth II of England with her Jupiter at 22 Aquarius, Uranus at 27 Pisces, and Neptune at 22 Leo.

As these few examples illustrate, the psychology, personality and sometimes the career choice of an individual, can be indicated by planets in aspect to the Galactic Center. In late December of 1995 Jupiter conjuncted the Galactic Center once again. Perhaps with this new cycle, it is time for most astrologers to begin adding the Galactic Center to their clients’ charts. Collectively we can then all expand our horizons beyond the solar system, and begin to study the Sun of our Sun.

Copyright © 1996 JustUs & Associates,Paul O. Hewit

More Galactic center information:

Core of the Milky Way by Eric Francis

The Galactic Center in your Astrology chart by House

It’s Galactic Center Time by Sophia’s Children

The Galactic Center and the Centaurs by Zane B. Stein