Autumn Equinox 2013

Girl with Two Red Birds by Heni Sandoval

The Sun Enters Libra at the Autumn Equinox on 9/22/13 at 4:44p EDT – 8:44p UT which is Spring Equinox in the Southern hemisphere. The equinoxes are the time of year when the day is in perfect balance with the same amount of daylight and nighttime. The Autumn Equinox is when the Sun enters Libra every year. Libra is ruled by peace loving Venus and its symbol is the balanced scale, further reflecting this idea.

The chart for the Autumn Equinox is essentially the birth chart for this new season.

On this Equinox the Sun as always is at 0° Libra and Mercury is in Libra too at 20° – a metaphor for spreading messages of peace and harmony. The Moon in Venus ruled Taurus at 11°  is conjunct the karmic South Node while Venus opposite the Moon at 13° Scorpio is close to the North Node, and Saturn at 9° Scorpio is at the exact same degree as the Scorpio North Node – a very potent karmic indicator!

Saturn at Scorpio North Node is like the devil himself tempting you to stop at the gates of heaven with promises of power beyond your wildest dreams. By contrast Venus is like Glenda the Good Witch at the entrance of the Emerald City reminding you to trust yourself, you have all the power within so don’t let wicked witches fool you! Mars in proud Leo at 16° roars loudly filling in a challenging T-Square to all three planets (Moon/Saturn/Venus) which amplifies tense, unyielding emotional responses. At the same time Mars beams out to wild eyed Uranus in fiery Aries, which bodes well for quick, unexpected solutions, but can just as easily trigger sudden chaos.

True to the balanced nature of the Equinox the healing flow of a Grand Water Trine is here to offset the stressful indicators. This heavenly configuration which began to form in late June is one of the most important in our lifetime. A grand water trine is an aspect involving 3 or more planets in all 3 water signs which happens regularly. This Grand Trine is different because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event!  It involves Jupiter in Cancer (occurs once in 12 years), Saturn in Scorpio (every 30 years) and most importantly Neptune in Pisces which happens only every 164 years and is more significant because Neptune rules Pisces, so is most powerful in its own sign. 

At the Equinox this triangle of ease and flow connects Saturn/North Node/Venus in powerful Scorpio to Neptune and Chiron (wounded healer) in spiritual Pisces, with the 3rd prong reaching out to optimistic Jupiter in the healing waters of Cancer. Along with this the Moon, exalted in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus, fills in a Kite formation acting as the firm yet gentle rudder guiding this watery flow in the best direction. The Taurus Moon forms a trine of her own to Pluto in Capricorn who just woke up after a long 5 month retro nap and is eager to see what’s been going on while he looked the other way. This potent agent of transformation might like what he sees. 

This cosmic confluence brings the potential for healing at all levels from personal to universal. I’ll bet you have tapped it yourself and may be surprised to find it’s easier to be kind to yourself and others and notice your life feels incrementally better day by day. Don’t doubt it!

At the collective level this energy is evident in the fact that the US did not blunder into another endless war (see September newsletter re Obama and this issue) and Syria finally admitting to its chemical weapons with a UN time-table to dismantle them. This process was aided by Russian President Vladimir Putin whose birth chart fits neatly into the dynamics of the current Equinox with his own Sun and Mercury in Libra as well as Venus in Scorpio, with a powerful Scorpio rising and Jupiter in Taurus. Here is Putin’s chart:














So to all, a warm heavenly welcome to a new season. May the Sun’s entrance into Libra shine on you to help you gain more balance in life, and may the love of Venus help you spread more love too!

IMAGE NOTE:   This charming painting by Heni Sandoval ( my talented Sister!) is  perfect for the Libra symbol of balance –  two bowls like the Libra scales – and the red birds relating to the girl express the harmony and peaceful vibration at the Equinox.  See Heni’s blog  for the story about this picture and visit  Circles Round the Sun site to view more of her work.

Melissa Stratton
Astrology, Tarot and Dream Analysis