
Spring Equinox 2017

Spring Sylphs Dancing


Spring Equinox 2017 arrives March 20th

at 6:29a  EDT,  3:39a PDT and 10:29 UT


This year’s Spring Equinox – Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere – arrives on 3/20/17.  EarthSky has “All you need to know” about the Equinox, and  Farmer’s Almanac  offers a live telescope show  of the Equinox’s arrival.

If you live in the Northeast US and Canada it doesn’t look much like Spring now with a dense snow cover (we just got 30 + inches here in NE PA- yikes!) and other northern and mountain areas are still snow covered too. In fact the entire US is experiencing lower temperatures, with frost killing temps in GA and FL damaging fruit crops. After the mild early Springs over the last few years, changeable Mother Nature reminds us to stay on our collective toes!

Each year at this March Equinox the astrological  wheel begins afresh when the Sun leaves the last degree of the zodiac to enter the first degree – 0* Aries.   The chart for the Equinox indicates trends for this new season.

Spring Equinox 2017 Chart


The Equinox chart maintains the Aries energy which has been strong all year long.  As always at the Spring Equinox the Sun is at 0* Aries and this year is joined by Venus retrograde, Mercury and Uranus in Aries too.  Fire sign Aries is a sign of restless movement, always pushing forward like its symbol the Ram. The Sun shines well in vibrant Aries and meets with wayward Venus from 3/24-26. The Sun reminds Venus about her kick-ass Aries red boots, and encourages her to put them on and go dancing! (Be careful because this might encourage kicking someone’s ass too!)

Mercury is moving quickly ahead of the Equinox Sun so they miss communing, but since Mercury meets the Aries Sun more than any other planet he knows the Sun’s Aries  message well. “Hear ye, Hear ye!” cries Mercury, “Change is here  – make yourselves ready!” The Sun does connect with wild-eyed Uranus this Spring from 4/12-4/16. Change agent Uranus in Aries is a defining energy for the current times, and when the Sun joins him everyone feels the changing vibrations, like it or not!

Mars is the ruler of Aries and is in earth sign Taurus at the Equinox. Mars in Taurus helps ground the innovative ideas of Aries which is very helpful when those ideas are well informed, but stubborn Taurus also gives solid energy for narcissist hot-heads chomping at the bit to do their will. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un comes to mind, whose own birth chart vibrates to this Equinox chart. With the missile rattling North Korea is doing at the moment, that’s not surprising! Transformer Pluto just crossed Kim Jong-un’s Sun in January and will again this September.  Pluto takes almost 250 years to go around the zodiac wheel, so this is a rare connection. What will Pluto transform for Kim Jong-un and the country he rules with a deadly hand? Here’s a hint, Pluto is relentless and is named after the old god of Hell.

The Moon at the Equinox moment is at 27* Sagittarius exactly joined with Saturn in the same degree very close to the Galactic Center  The Moon represents the mood of the public and Saturn in Sag. indicates large, quickly moving structural change. Both at this potent GC degree add more energy to the Equinox Aries push forward motion.


Energy of the Galactic Center

Mighty Jupiter is in Libra the sign opposite Aries, which could help bring things into better balance, but Jupiter is moving backward now so doesn’t offer much help. On top of that Pluto forms a tense square to Jupiter on the Equinox.  This square repeats the long-term conflict between those who want change at any cost, versus those who resist change no matter the cost.

Mystical Neptune maintains his long term presence in Pisces in the Equinox chart and in fact just moved to 12* Pisces for the first time in our lifetime. Healer Chiron is still in Pisces too continuing the Pisces/Aries blend prevalent since the Winter Solstice. It’s fortunate the softer loving energy of watery Pisces is present now because without it the Aries war-mongers would have more sway. To put things in perspective, the last time Uranus was in Aries was during the years when Hitler became the Dictator of Germany and began the relentless push toward WWII.

So how do the Equinox energies affect you at the personal level?  With 6 planets in active fire signs you’ll feel bursts of motivating energy, and Mars in productive Taurus helps bring motivation into actual results. It’s a wonderful time to follow through on plans which were simmering on the back burner. Huge Jupiter in Libra, even moving backward, demands more beauty and grace in life and with the flowing creativity of Pisces lapping around you’ll be more able to tap intuitive, creative inspiration. Top this off with the Galactic Center influence and the skies have no limits!

Use this energy positively (versus letting simmering emotional outbursts boil over) and you will have a wonderful new season! Maya Angelou born with Sun in Aries and whose own birth chart has many similarities to this Equinox chart has wonderful advice for the energies of ‘now’. Hear her words:

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style. ~ Maya Angelou

Act on her wonderful advice and you will have a beautiful new season!