Venus in Aries 2017

Venus in Aries

Venus usually travels  around 3 + weeks  in each sign and she entered Aries on February 3, 2017. This year because Venus begins her retrograde phase on March 4th she remains in Aries much longer – around 13 weeks.  More about Venus in Aries below, But first some background.

Venus looking lovely

Planet Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and harmony. In astrology Venus represents the attracting/magnetic principle, indicates social values in general and rules relationships and all heart-related affairs. She also governs cultural affairs, things which add grace and beauty to life – the arts, music, dance, theater, fashion etc. In general Venus stands for peace, love, beauty, harmony and governs issues of concern to women.

Venus represents the most classically feminine energy in the heavens, alluring and magnetic she attracts what she needs by calling it to her and allowing it to come. In your personal birth chart Venus reveals your own day-to-day value system, and how you give and receive love. Wherever Venus resides in your chart, she tends to sweeten things and make that part of your life easier and more delightful.

Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. In earth sign Taurus Venus reflects high values, a peaceful tolerant, kind nature and is also connected to resources like finances and is the protector of Mother Nature herself.  In her air sign Libra garb, Venus rules all relationships, specifically love and marriage, along with fair play and cultural refinement. Peace, Beauty and Harmony for all! Is the banner Venus in Libra holds high.

Venus usually travels  around 3 + weeks  in each sign. Venus entered Aries on 2/3 and because Venus  begins her retrograde phase on 3/4 she remains in Aries much longer – around 13 weeks. Venus turns retrograde only once every 18 month, less often than any other planet except Mars.  I’ll be writing more about Venus Retrograde in March’s issue,  but for now let’s explore Venus in Aries.

Shakira – Born with Venus in Aries

Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars planet of aggression, so you might think Venus is not happy to be clothed in Mars’ warrior garb. In fact in traditional astrology Venus is said to be in ‘detriment’ when she is in Aries. However over the years of my own research and experience with clients and friends who have Venus in Aries I’ve found Venus in Aries to be very positive.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac wheel and noted for its highly focused energy, drive, courage and passionate style. Aries is raw, untamed energy filled with bright promise and rippling with individualism. Aries has pioneering spirit and helps carry others to places they would not reach alone. Aries is the big idea generator and many movers and shakers in each generation born with Aries energy in their birth charts are ahead of the curve carving out paths to new territories. Aries acts from pure passion and when the magnetic allure of Venus is coupled with the passionate sign of Aries a dynamic energy is formed!

Venus in Aries can be very laid back and easy going in general, but when she sees something she desires, Venus/Aries goes after it like a hound for a hare! No goal is unattainable, nothing stands in the way of Venus/Aries! If you’ve watched the TV series The Vikings you’ve seen those Venus in Aries warrior women in action! Yes, Venus/Aries can be too passionate and enthusiastic and bowl over more introverted types, and if you are her lover and cheat on her or wound her pride – look out! But generally Venus/Aries is inspiring and delightful.

Shakira pictured above is a classic example of Venus/Aries who had her debut album when she was only 13 years old. So typical of ‘straight out of the chute’ Aries. And her sensual musical style is certainly passionate and ‘in your face’ Aries too. Here are some other famous people also born with Venus in Aries: Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, Renee Zelllweger,  Lady Gaga, Keira Knightly (Venus/Aries loves to be a pirate!), Rhianna. And here are some men with Venus in Aries: Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Jack Nicholson, Bob Marley, George Clooney, Chris Martin.

When Venus travels in Aries we all feel energized in a positive way.  Goals seem reachable and you feel more enthused about life in general. Aries is a very physical sign too and Venus loves to dance, sing and move more when she is in Aries. Think of all the people born with Venus in Aries listed above and here’s another one – Pharrell Williams whose song Happy was nominated for an Academy Award, which says “Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof / (Because I’m happy) / Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth…” This is pure positive Venus in Aries.

So it’s the time to be happy folks!  Venus will grace you with more joy when you play well with her.

Wishing you joyful times,


Melissa Stratton
Personal Relations Counselor
Astrology, Tarot, Dream Analysis